Information for authors
Papers preparation
The papers should report original work and applied ideas, including experimental results. Topics of papers must correspond to the conference topics:
- Analogue and digital electronic systems
- Automotive electronics
- Bio-Medical electronics
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Electronic systems simulation and CAD
- Electronics in communications
- Electronics in industry and transport
- Electronics in measurement and control
- Electronics in physics and space
- Embedded systems, HW and SW
- Signal processing
The papers in correct English must be in PDF format, unlocked.
Recommended number of pages per paper is 4 (the paper should not exceed 6 pages).
Formatting must comply with the AE conferences Template - see
document (.DOCX)
(based on IEEE® Template)
Papers submission
Papers should be submitted electronically, using the interactive form.
Each author can submit at most two papers; an extra payment is required for the second paper.
Please be careful when giving your e-mail addresses. In the case of a group of authors,
our correspondence will be directed to the first author.
Papers reviewing
The reviewing process is double blind. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
The reviews will be considered by the Conference Committee and the final results will be announced by e-mail to the authors (first authors).
PDF conversion or PDF checking
As the accepted papers recommended for publication in the AE Proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® database,
all PDF files must comply with the Xplore® requirements. Together with the results of reviews,
the authors of accepted papers will get the necessary information on using the IEEE PDF eXpress checker/converter
(will be available after reviewing finished).
Papers presentation
All papers have to be presented at the conference. The organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution
after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Each paper must be presented by its author (one of its authors). No substitutions will be allowed.
The conference language is English.
The AE conferences organizers do not check the presentation materials.
It is believed that the quality of materials used for oral presentations is the sole responsibility of authors.
All speakers have to be present at least 20 minutes before the session and report to the session chairman.
All sessions will be organized by the session's chairmen.
Time scheduled to each presentation and following discussion is 20 minutes.
Please keep it in mind when preparing you presentations.
Printed Proceedings
Each accepted paper will be published in the conference Proceedings.
The AE Proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore and ISI Web of Knowledge database together with the list of papers which were not presented.
Settings of the Acrobat Distiller are available in document (.RTF)